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Fill out the registration form

(payments will be at the door)


PRICING for the weekend

($20) PSU students

($25) Non-PSU students

($30) Community members

($30) Out of town folk



Housing is free and will be provided to those who request it. If you require housing, click on the link. If you have any special requests, make sure you let us know!




(free!) Beginner Jack and Jill

($5) Intermediate/Advanced Jack and Jill


To qualify for the Beginner Jack and Jill, you have to have been swing dancing for less than 1.5 years AND have never been in another swing dance competition.

Prizes to the first and second place winners of each event will be awarded and announced after the event. Friday evening is the Beginner Jack and Jill, Intermediate/advanced is Saturday evening (and will be judged by Falty and Casey!)

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